About Astrology…


The word ‘astrology’ stems from astrologia’ in Latin and 'astrologos' in ancient Greek. It is formed by the Greek words ‘astron’ meaning ‘stars’ and logos’ meaning ‘discourse’. Therefore, astrology means a ‘speech about the stars’…  Astrology studies and observes the patterns of the planets in relation to the patterns of our life or life cycles.

Every day, we hear the news and it hits us hard – current affairs either horrify us, shock us or dazzle us. What is sure is the news raise questions and make us think about the puzzling or fascinating world in which we live in...

I believe the universe follows a mathematical order - events that happen to us and around us, occur for a reason. The planets certainly have something to do with it. When making aspects between themselves, the planets set the tone – for wars, political upheavals, elections, even earthquakes and tsunamis, etc. On a personal level, the planets exert an influence on us and reflect who we are and mirror what we do - we fall in love, move house, find a new job, and even change our state of mind, etc.

Everyone (in particular biologists and farmers) knows the strong effects that the Sun and the Moon exert on the natural world around us. The phases of the Moon not only affect crop planting, but also the rise and fall of the tides, the behaviour patterns of shellfish such as oysters, and even the bleeding rate of surgical patients. It is also a well-known fact that criminal activities are on the increase at the time of the Full Moon.

Astrology is much more than just ‘star signs’ – knowing the basics of a star sign (or Sun sign) is not enough to analyse and understand a personality. The serious study of astrology is much more complex than that, and goes beyond the simple study of the signs of the zodiac.

Astrology takes into account the date, exact time and place of birth of a person, and from that, an astrologer is able to point out your talents, strengths and challenges, temperament and life's patterns.  Astrology is a subtle art, a human science -but not an exact science -even though it is based on the Ephemeris, a record of the daily positions of the planets produced by N.A.S.A. scientists, which is based on astronomical and mathematical data- we (astrologers) notice its influence on us, but we are not yet capable of explaining its phenomena. Although the ground rules for astrology are the same, it is still subject to the astrologer’s analysis, synthesised talent and interpretative skills.

However, the fact that astrology cannot be measured or proved by scientific methods, does not mean it is not a valid tool or that it does not exist.